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Colin Dobson
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L'arbre Généalogique
Les Mémoires
Yvonne & Brian Baldwin
Mr Dobson and family,
We are the parents of Sarah, Katrina & Leilani, we would like to thank you for being such a dedicated, unique and caring teacher who gave up so many weekends and holidays to be there for them. You will be truly missed. God Bless you and your family. 
Brian & Yvonne Baldwin
Mr Dobson,
You recognised the quirky in us all, and made that ok.
i remember you comenting on how I always started a portrait from someones ankle or some place weird. But you thought that was Ok :) interesting even..
Your art history class blew our minds!!
You were an amazing man and a treasured  and revered figure from our teenage years.You really made a big difference to our lives. We are all so sad you have gone.
It's great to see you are still as loved and respected today as you were by us then. We have all spoken fondly, and often of you since we left BC
You taught nearly every member of my family and many of my closest friends. You will always be in your hearts   -  we will remember you always.
Much love you, and your family, friends & collegues.
Agnes, class of 92
Rico Anau(aka Teddy)

The first tme I saw Mr D I didn t know him from the start, I sort he will b a bad teacher, but when I did core art with Mrs Rive she sent me and another student to room to collect some he was a nice teacher. I never sort he was a bad teacher again. Mr Dobson ur spirit wil b at this and in our heart. Im gonna dedicate my song at Beach Haven Idol to you. Sir I hope u have a great up there.


Rico Anau(aka Teddy)  

Katrina - 2000-2004

The first time I met Mr Dobson it was standing in line of my first 3rd form core art class - and gosh was I scared as he yelled at some guys to stand in line properly and he even used on the first day the block on the desk technique to shut us up - and by god it worked.  He used to tell me that he was surprised that I got work done, because whenever he came round or looked up I would be there 'giggling' as he would call it and full of smiles - but he didnt know that to begin with they were nervous giggles and nervous smiles, with me hoping that he will leave me alone so I could get back to my 'out of proportioned' boxes. But as the years went on you could only grow to respect him.  Birkenhead Colleges art room will never be the same without Mr Dobson, standing there whistling to his music or hovering over you with his clear mug of coffee, making his disapproval or 'god i wouldnt do that' noises and looks. But good things come to an end, and I am just glad that I had the oportunity to have been in his class.

R.I.P Mr Dobson, you will be missed.

Sarah-class of '2001'

Mr Dobson, a fantastic art teacher with passion, honesty, pizzazz and a love for his music and fine wine.  You gave soo much personal time, criticism and devotion to your students and we thank-you for that. 

Remembering the great big wooden blocks that you would randomly smack down on the art tables if the class was getting too loud, leaving our ears ringing for the next half hour.  Finishing off boards at the end of the year during weekends and holidays which you were there never fail.  I want to say thankyou for your showing us your passion through the ways that you taught us.

Your dirty apron, coffee cups, music, whistling and the individual time you gave us will be fond memories of soo many students.  Thankyou for the grand years, you will forever be remembered and loved.

R.I.P while smiling down upon all of us.  Thankyou

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